
Asset Protection

At ECI, we offer comprehensive asset protection services to safeguard your wealth and investments. Asset protection involves strategic planning and legal mechanisms designed to shield your assets from potential risks such as lawsuits, creditors, and unforeseen financial challenges.

  • Risk Mitigation
  • Legal Strategies
  • Privacy Measures
  • Estate planning
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Our Services

Company & License

We expedite the establishment of offshore companies and the acquisition of licenses. With strong government ties, ECI ensures efficient navigation of regulatory requirements and compliance with legal obligations, facilitating a faster and smoother process for businesses venturing into offshore operations.

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Citizenship & Golden Visa

We assist in acquiring various citizenships and golden visas through investment, offering streamlined processes and expert guidance. Leveraging our expertise and networks, we facilitate the attainment of citizenships and visas, enabling individuals to access global opportunities and benefits.

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Asset Protection

Asset protection involves strategies aimed at safeguarding one's wealth and possessions from potential risks or threats. These measures may include legal structures, insurance policies, and financial planning tailored to mitigate potential liabilities. We specialize in providing comprehensive support to safeguard assets.

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ECI consults you on every aspect of your requirements, offering personalized solutions to meet your specific needs. Our dedicated team customizes strategies and services based on your individual circumstances, ensuring optimal outcomes and satisfaction.

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International Law

We provide comprehensive international legal assistance, leveraging connections with top law firms worldwide and an internal legal team. With our extensive network and in-house expertise, we ensure thorough and effective legal support tailored to your global needs.

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Attorney Paymaster

Act as intermediaries, facilitating secure and timely transactions between parties, particularly in complex financial transactions or large-scale projects. They ensure that funds are disbursed accurately, efficiently, and in compliance with contractual agreements, providing peace of mind to all involved parties.

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