


In Cyprus, a favorable tax program known as Non-Domicile (Non-Dom) offers enticing benefits to foreign residents. This program allows individuals to reside in Cyprus and receive special tax treatment, such as reduced taxes or exemptions on various types of income, including interest, dividends, rental income, global income, and capital gains taxes, among others.

The Cyprus Residency by Investment Program offers a streamlined pathway for entrepreneurs, investors, and families to obtain a Permanent Residence Permit (PRP). It stands out as one of the quickest and most efficient routes to EU residency, with an expedited process of just six months and no requirement for physical residency.

After residing in Cyprus for five years, individuals become eligible to apply for citizenship and obtain an EU passport. This passport grants them visa-free access to over 173 countries and territories worldwide, offering unparalleled global mobility. With Cypriot citizenship, individuals have the freedom to live anywhere within the European Union, providing them with vast opportunities and flexibility.

Discover the advantages of UAE residency:

Fast-track Permanent Residency Program: Applications processed within 6 months, expediting the residency acquisition process.

  • Favorable Non-Domicile Tax Regime: Exemption from defense contributions and capital gains tax, providing a tax-efficient environment for residents.

  • Permanent Residency for Entire Family: Inclusive coverage for the main applicant, spouse, dependent children up to 25 years old, parents, and parents-in-law, fostering family unity.

  • Entire Family Eligibility: Include your spouse, children, and parents in the citizenship application.

  • Only One Visit to Cyprus Required: Streamlined process requiring only a single visit for biometric submission, reducing travel

  • Simple Residency Requirements: Flexible residency conditions allow PR holders to maintain their status without continuous physical presence, with a maximum absence limit of 2 years.

  • Highly Efficient Process: Application processing can be conducted in the absence of the applicant, facilitated by efficient and supportive administrative procedures.

  • Eligibility for Citizenship: PR holders may apply for citizenship after 5 years, provided all conditions are met, offering a pathway to full Cypriot citizenship.

    • Option 1 / €300,000 purchase of a residential property in Cyprus

    • Purchase of first-time residential property worth over €300,000 (plus VAT).

    • The property must be brand new; no resale property would qualify.

    • Property should be purchased from the developer who built the property.

    • The Contract of Sale must be officially filed at the Cyprus Department of Lands and Surveys.

    • Applicants should provide supporting evidence of secure annual income from abroad of at least €50,000. Income is increased by €15,000 for the spouse,€10,000 for each minor child of the applicant and/or his/her spouse.


    Applicants must visit Cyprus within 1 year of the date of the PRP to provide biometrics for issuance of PR card. All family members are required to visit Cyprus once every two years.

    Due Diligence: Documentation required by Cyprus includes: proof of income, criminal background checks, sanction lists checks, birth certificates, marriage licenses, and additional documentation may be requested on a case-by-case basis

    Physical Presence: Applicants are required to visit Cyprus within one year of receiving PRP to supply biometrics. After which, Golden Visa holders are only required to visit Cyprus once every two years. Cyprus may revoke residency if Golden Visa holders acquire permanent residency in any other country

    Health: Applicants must provide proof of health insurance that covers everyone listed on the Golden Visa application
